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Funko Pop The Nun Collectible

(Item code 8003264446676) | Original Item

Character: The Nun 775

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Get ready for a dose of horror with the Funko Pop Collectible The Nun! This collectible figure pays homage to one of the most terrifying and iconic characters in the horror movie universe, Valak the Nun.

Valak is known for her terrifying appearance, with her religious habit and demonic face. In this Funko Pop figure, she is recreated with chilling details, capturing her sinister and menacing presence. Valak is ready to scare with her piercing gaze and wicked expression.

This figure is a treasure for horror movie fans and those who appreciate characters that evoke fear. It's perfect for display on your shelf, workspace, or anywhere you want to celebrate the suspense and horror atmosphere that Valak represents.

Get your Funko Pop Collectible The Nun now at Heroes Geek and add a touch of haunting to your collectibles collection. Let the Nun Valak protect your space with her terrifying presence and become a part of the dark universe of horror!



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